Thandile Beeton Majiza’s Story
Leiden High School – Age 16
My name is Thandile Beeton Majiza, I am a 16 year old boy who attend school at Leiden high school, Cape Town. I have been participating in the Shakespeare festival for two years. I have nothing but good memories about me performing on stage.
My first time was scary, but I was told to be relaxed and let my talent take over, well I did so and I nailed the performance. Well, as Thandile I would like to take this moment and thank the festival for what it has done for me – thank you for the great work that you have done for children like me who participate in the Shakespeare Schools Festival.
The Festival has influenced my life greatly; it helped me on focusing more on my schoolwork and more at my life in general. If it wasn’t for SSDSA, I would of have made bad decisions in my life.. I do not want to be specific on those decisions, but in general, the festival saved my life if I can put it that way. I am so glad that I chose it and it also showed me that I am talented in acting I thank the founder Miss Kseniya for her amazing work taught me a lot taught me to be humble.. It taught me how to communicate and interact with other people.. I can write a book on how it helped me ..these are my words of thank you…
Thank you!